They have software that reads Belgium Phone Number List web pages. The alt text is also read out by that reading software, so that visitors with a visual impairment know that there is an image and what it says. Very important if you value user-friendliness! 4. Write Belgium Phone Number List content around images The relevance, quality, and keywords used in the content surrounding the image all affect the image's ranking in search results. The introductory Belgium Phone Number List text above an image and/or the caption below the image are important. It is known to everyone that content is still king and that a page will not rank without good content.
It is sometimes forgotten that a good Belgium Phone Number List piece of content and an appropriate image reinforce each other. 5. Keep mobile-friendliness in mind Since the 'mobile first index', mobile pages are given priority when indexing by Belgium Phone Number List Google. Make sure images have the srcset attribute, which makes it possible to display a different image per screen width. This so-called responsive rendering of an image is Belgium Phone Number List especially useful for mobile devices.
Use Unique Images If you can Belgium Phone Number List choose between a stock photo or a custom unique photo, always opt for a custom unique photo. Stock photos can be used by anyone. You don't want to risk optimizing the same photo as Belgium Phone Number List another. Google prefers to show unique content and images. 7. View the performance of your image via Google Search Console In addition to the above, many of the ranking factors of written content also apply to images. This also applies to link building. Google sees a link to your Belgium Phone Number List image as a recommendation. Popular images, image with many recommendations, score better. Curious about the results of your images?