Subscribe: Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify E-Commerce Photo Editing Enterprise-level SEO is a completely different beast than general SEO. Optimizing a website with thousands of pages presents more complex requirements than optimizing a small business website. If not well prepared, companies looking to start building enterprise SEO initiatives can face many E-Commerce Photo Editing technical issues and costly mistakes. In this episode of Search Engine Nerds, we had the opportunity to interview Eli Schwartz, director of organic products at Momentive Monkey, to discuss enterprise SEO.
Some of the related challenges, decisions to consider, how to be successful in-house companies. Enterprise SEO-The Secret to Success What's the situation with enterprise SEO and the challenges that come with it? Eli Schwartz (ES): I've been in E-Commerce Photo Editing Momentive Monkey for over 6 years and I'm leading SEO ... advertisement Continue reading below Looking back over the last few years, we've seen how [general] SEO and enterprise SEO have changed. In other E-Commerce Photo Editing words, the size of your company and the size of your site can make a big difference in how you do SEO. What we are working on.
For example, when performing a redirect, the best E-Commerce Photo Editing practice is to always perform a 301 redirect. Everyone knows it. This is one of the first things to learn when you start SEO. Well, in fact, when you're really in a big company, they may not have the technology to do 301 redirects. By default, there is 302. How hard is it to build a whole new one to perform E-Commerce Photo Editing a 301 redirect instead of a 302? Companies that have many levels until things get done need to determine if it's even worth the fight.